martes, 12 de abril de 2011


·        Change, change in the U.S. for immigrants has been negative. The U.S. is a country formed by immigrants but ironically very little people understand what immigrants go through and that there are human. Yes, they may have gotten to the U.S states illegally, but no one has the right to discriminate against. At least that’s what the constitution states.
·        Little has been done to help this desperate people that dream of a better life in the U.S. The dream act explained on my previously blog post did not pass. This act was the starting point of what could be progress for immigrants. Unfortunately immigrants were not given the opportunity to serve their country and gain benefits from it.
·        The only change that has really happened in the U.S is negative.  The Arizona law was approved saying that officers were going to be trained so this law does not fall on racial profiling; still checking on whether people are legal citizens of the U.S is a very racist law.
·        Now people propose to change the 14th amendment in order to solve the illegal immigration problem. This is no way of solving the issue of immigrants illegally coming to the U.S and getting benefits without contributing to the country.
·        The 14th amendment states that All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”.This has encouraged the immigrant tendency of anchor babies this racist term refers to babies born in the U.S whose parents came in illegally. For many legislators this is the cause of wanting to change the 14th amendment because of the abuse of it.
·        In my opinion babies don’t have the fault that their parents brought them to the U.S through illegal means. Still they claim that a woman born to the U.S. and her baby is subject to the jurisdiction of the country they lived in, so the baby can’t claim to be a U.S citizen and get the benefits that most immigrants don’t get back in their home countries.
·        Immigrants don’t want to damage the U.S or to break the law system; they want to make the U.S. their home. They go through so much and risk their lives in the journey of coming to America, “the land of freedom”, just to have a better life or sometimes to get away from the horrible conditions they live in. Instead of helping them and creating a system which allows them to become citizens Americans are creating hatred against immigrants based on ethnicity. We shouldn’t go back to the ignorance of racism, we should know better than that.


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