jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Destination: United States

          My uncle, Nasae, decided to move to the United States after he applied for an interview that he saw for an available job at his profession. This opportunity would improve his career and make him earn thrice his salary, which would bring him a better economic life. It was really hard to leave his family behind; he said goodbye many times in order to leave Puerto Rico, the country in which he was born and loved. Moving to the United States was difficult because he was not used to talk in English and to socialize with Americans. It was also tough because he lived in the city of Fort Myers in Florida State, a place where great racism was found. This caused that at work when he talked co-workers made fun of him because of his accent. To him it didn’t matter what they said, he was proud of coming of Puerto Rico and successfully working in the United States. However, everyday Nasae would feel sad and depressed, he was very home sick. He missed every single thing of Puerto Rico; his family, friends, food, climate etc. After a year one day when being nostalgic grew to the limit he decided to move back to Puerto Rico close to his family and happiness. Today he regrets going to live to the United States because he suffered a lot emotionally. Even though he had a bad time, he did get some benefits from this experience; Nasae was able to improve his pronunciation and gain more professional experience which helped him in the future.
            It is definitely not difficult leaving everything behind for a better life, even when is your decision to improve not because of the hardships of the home country. Starting a new life in a place where you are a minority can be pretty tough. I admire those many immigrants who didn’t have another option to move; they were strong and brave.  

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